Friday, June 13, 2014

First Lady’s Beyond Zero campaign receives Sh18 million donations


NAIROBI 12 June 2014 (PSCU)-First Lady Margaret Kenyatta’s Beyond Zero campaign today received donations totaling Sh18 million and more pledges to support the initiative to improve maternal and child healthcare in the country.
Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu presented a donation of Sh10.6 million including contributions from her friends to the First Lady at State House Nairobi.
ECS Limited, a Kenya security technology company, donated Sh2 million to the Beyond Zero campaign for this year and a further Sh2 million annually for the next two years coming to a total of Sh6 million.
Bamburi Cement presented a donation of Sh1.5 million while Rotary International district 9212, which covers Nairobi South, donated Sh500,000. Rotary International also pledged to raise more money for the initiative.
The First Lady thanked the donors and said that the donations will go a long way in supporting the improvement of maternal and child healthcare.
“Together we can do amazing things and I appreciate your support for this initiative” she said after receiving the donations.
Mrs Ngilu said many women leaders have started similar initiatives to raise funds to support the Beyond Zero campaign.
“We appreciate your efforts and we are ready to support the initiative to succeed” she said.
Susan Maingi from Bamburi Lafarge said they were touched by the First Lady’s dedication. “It is something dear to us and we felt we should support you” she said.
Mr Harry Mugo, Rotary International District 9212 Governor, said they have adopted the objectives of the Beyond Zero campaign as part of their focus.
“We pledge to raise more funds. We will talk to all Rotary Clubs in the world and to make it a global initiative” he said.
At the same time Rotary International named the First Lady as a Paul Harry Fellow for her dedication to serve. The Paul Harry Fellow is the highest form of recognition by Rotary Clubs and is given to individuals for dedication above self.

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